2024 NQ Sportstar Awards

NQ Sportstar Awards Gala Dinner 2024

Celebrating Sporting Excellence in North Queensland

Saturday October 26th, Mount Isa Civic Theatre

Save the Date!

Join us for an unforgettable evening celebrating Sporting Excellence in North Queensland at the highly anticipated 2024 Sport Star Awards. Proudly hosted by Mount Isa City Council, this prestigious event will take place on Saturday, October 26th, 2024, at the Mount Isa Civic Theatre.

Guests will enjoy a complimentary drink upon arrival, setting the stage for a night of elegance and camaraderie. Indulge in a delicious three-course dinner while connecting with fellow sports enthusiasts and community members.

Mark your calendars for this remarkable event as we come together to applaud the outstanding sporting talent thriving in North Queensland.

Date: Saturday, October 26th, 2024
Time: Arrival at 5:30 PM
Location: Mount Isa Civic Theatre

Don’t miss out on this incredible night of recognition and community spirit.

Stay tuned for more details and ticket information!

Tickets Coming Soon

Date: October, 26th 2024

Time: Arrival 5:30pm
Location: Mount Isa Civic Theatre 


 Nominations Opening Soon 


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Experience Mount Isa’s mining past on an underground tour in the Hard Times Mine, travel back into an ancient past in the Riversleigh Fossil Discovery Centre, get a true taste of the Outback with a Bush Tucker Experience or enjoy the most amazing Outback sunsets at one of the lookouts. Visit Lake Moondarra for boating, fishing or water-skiing, join a guided bus tour or head out for 4WD adventures and find the best Outback camping spots.

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Click here for more visitor information




Award Categories

Nominations Opening Soon

NQ Sportstar of the Year

An athlete who has attained a level of excellence greater than that achieved by their peers or other sports people or whose performance has been so exceptional that their achievements have identified them as being clearly outstanding from their peers. 

Factors to consider in completing nominations include:
a. level of competition i.e., regional, state, national / international
b. type of competitor i.e. individual or part of a team
c. achievement over the period
d. significance of achievement

Winner – $2,500
Runner Up – $750

NQ Rural & Remote Sportstar of the Year

All Sportstar nominations will automatically be accepted into the NQ Rural & Remote Sportstars of the Year category for judging if NQ Athlete resides in the NQ region but outside the three major cities (Cairns, Townsville, Mackay) and meets the above criteria.

Winner – $1,500
Runner Up – $750

Note: The NQSF has introduced this category to ensure that we are still able to recognise the athletes from Rural and Remote areas.


NQ Junior Sportstar of the Year

Athlete under 18 years of age during the Awards period who has attained a level of excellence greater than that achieved by their peers or other sports people or whose performance has been so exceptional that their achievements have identified them as being clearly outstanding from their peers. Nominees’ performances for the period 2nd July 2022 – 2nd July 2023 must be of such a standard of excellence and achieved in an arena competitive enough to truly warrant them becoming the recipient of this award.

Factors to consider in completing nominations include:
a. level of competition i.e. regional, state, national / international, junior or open age
b. type of competitor i.e. individual or part of a team
c. achievement over the period
d. significance of achievement

Winner – $1,500
Runner Up – $500

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NQ Athlete with Disability Sportstar of the Year

an athlete who has attained a level of excellence greater than that previously achieved by their peers or other sports people with a disability or whose performance has been so exceptional that their achievements have identified them as being clearly outstanding from their peers. 

Factors to consider in completing nominations include:
a. level of competition i.e. regional, state, national or international
b. type of competitor i.e. individual or part of a team
c. achievement over the period
d. significance of achievement

Winner – $1,500
Runner Up – $500

NQ Sportstar Sports Team of the Year by Mount Isa City Council

Team of two or more participants has attained a level of excellence greater than that achieved by other teams or whose performance has been so exceptional that their achievements have identified them as being clearly outstanding from their peers. Nominees’ performances for the 2nd July 2022 – 2nd July 2023 must be of such a standard of excellence and achieved in an arena competitive enough to truly warrant the team becoming the recipient of this award. Factors to consider in completing nominations include:
a. level of competition i.e. regional, state, national or international junior or open age
b. type of competition i.e. national league, state championships, etc
c. achievement over the period
d. significance of achievement

Winner -$1,250
Runner Up – $250


NQ Masters Sportstar of the Year Category
NQ Service to Sport Sportstar of the Year

An individual who have contributed the most to an individual sport, or the industry as a whole, over a lengthy specified period. The recipients may be a volunteer, a competitor, a coach or anyone, as a result of whose contributions, a standard of excellence was achieved in an area that surpassed others and therefore distinguishes the nominee from their peers.

Factors to consider in completing nominations include:
a. level of contribution to sport
b. level of contribution to industry
c. achievement over the period
d. significance of achievement

Winner – $1,000
Runner Up – $250

Sporting Excellence Award

The recipient of the Sports Excellence Award is selected from a list of nominees received for the six existing categories. 

The successful recipient of this award is an athlete who is dedicated and has gone above and beyond to excel in their chosen sport.

The award takes into consideration the athlete’s circumstances and potential to advance their sporting careers. 

Winner – $500 cash

North Queensland

Hall of Fame

It gives the NQSF great pleasure to announce that the NQ Hall of Fame will be included in the 2024 NQ Sportstar Awards.

The NQ Hall of Fame is the crowning achievement of a sporting career and represents the highest level of peer recognition for an individual’s contribution to their sport. The NQ Hall of Fame recognises and promotes the outstanding sporting achievements of our sportspeople to preserve North Queensland’s rich sporting heritage.

Nominees must be superior achievers at the highest level of competition and made an outstanding contribution to sport. Nominees shall not be considered until after a two-year waiting period following:

(a) retirement from the highest level of competition.

(b) the performance of a particularly outstanding athletic achievement that warrants special recognition. (Consideration of (b) would be appropriate in sports where age is not a barrier to competing at the highest level).

Team players will be considered on the same basis as individuals, the origin and or influence the nominee has championed throughout the North Queensland region, the degree of difficulty for a Nominee to attain the highest level of achievement, the Nominee’s individual achievements, integrity, sportsmanship and character will also be considered.

To sponsor the NQ Hall of Fame please contact admin@nqsports.com.au

2023 NQ Sportstar Partners
