When the North Queensland Sports Foundation decided to create a new event, the Western Games over two years ago, it was probably not expecting such a success as was witnessed over the last weekend.
A total of 14 sports were staged in the towns of Charters Towers (netball), Hughenden (foot races), Richmond (Enduro and Horsesports), Cloncurry (rugby league under 17), Mount Isa (athletics, lawn bowls, tennis, judo, football, cycling and golf, Normanton (clay target shooting) and Karumba (hockey)….a distance of over 1500 kilometres.
Chair of the North Queensland Sports Foundation, Cr Margaret Cochrane visited most of the sports, and was delighted with the response, and the important part the member Councils played. “It was tremendous to see Mount Isa Mayor John Molony presenting medals, Cr Robbie Katter throwing a javelin and the Mayor of Richmond John Wharton holding motor bikes at the start of the enduro event”
“We are very pleased with the response and the positivity that was evident throughout the sports gives us a great start to establish the Western Games as an important event in the North Western part of North Queensland. Our thanks to the sponsors, Mount Isa City Council, Queensland Events, BHP Billiton Cannington Mine and CS Energy Mica Creek Power Station who enabled us to present this event”
The visit of Olympic gold medal cyclist Sara Carrigan was a highlight of the Western Games, as she acted as the first Games ambassador. Her easy style and pleasant personality allowed the many cycling competitors to feel special as she chatted and subsequently started every rider in the prologue event.
The numbers of competitors was around 1500, which was much more than was anticipated.
Planning for the next Western Games has already started with August 2011 being signaled as an appropriate time.
Results of the various events are being compiled and will be available on the web site of the North Queensland Sports Foundation, as soon as they are received: www.nqsports.com.au
For more information contact Stuart Gibson, Manager NQ Sports Foundation on 47242500 or on mobile 0419 681 053