An excerpt from David Wharton
While on holidays in Ecuador last year I decided to re-trace the 500
year-old footsteps of the ancient Chasqui Messengers along the Inca
Trail from the Equator to the Sacred Valley of Longevity – Vilcabamba.
This would combine my passion for running with my interests in longevity
and preventative health, while still exploring the wonders of Ecuador.
Ecuador is the most biological diverse place on the planet. I wanted to
stay in 400 year old haciendas, spot the world’s largest flying bird;
the Andean Condor, visit the Equator and Otovalo; home to the largest
markets in the world, experience healings by shamans, see 300 year old
turtles in the Galapagos, become familiar with The Amazon, Andes, Inca
Ruins and the amazing birdlife and visit the Valley of Longevity.
Hiring an SUV and guide I decided to run parts of the Inca Trail. My
guide Eduardo drove ahead to pick me up and continue to the next
destination along the Inca Trail. This would allow me to sightsee as
well as enjoy a run.
I soon learned that the Inca Kings couldn’t read or write and had not
discovered the wheel so their main form of communication was with the
Chasqui Warriors. The Chasqui delivered messages along the Capac Nan
(Inca Trail) by running 2 mile relays through the rugged Andes
Mountains. Their feats are legendary.
Setting off from the Rumicucho Ruins (a solar observatory and Inca
Fortress) north of the Equator Monument, I ran along the Equator line
with one foot in each hemisphere till I reached the Middle of the Earth
Monument. To my surprise I found out that due to centrifugal force one
weighs less on the Equator. Knowing how important weight is for a
marathon runner I had to weigh myself, and yes it’s true, I was lighter
here than back home in Australia.
Later that day I ran in the magnificent Parque Carolina with local
joggers. Situated in the centre of Quito; Ecuador’s capital city, this
is where the locals go to work out. The dirt track in the centre of the
park had eroded but it still enabled me to test my lungs running at
10,000 ft in the middle of the world. Running on the flat was okay but
the slightest incline slowed the pace dramatically.
Next day I found myself at the base of the world’s highest active
volcano, Mt Cotapaxi. Lake Limpiopungo at 14,000 ft has a llama track
around it. I wondered how high I could go. So I took off around the lake
at a tempo which quickly slowed as I climbed the banks and the effect of
lack of oxygen and cold took its toll. The pace made the last 5km of a
marathon feel like a sprint.
The Ingapirca ruins were an Inca Fortress and they are the most famous
and best preserved Inca Ruins in Ecuador. The temptation was too great
so I went for another run. Eduardo who was a soccer player and thought
he was fit decided to join me and we set off on the trails around the
ruins imagining I was a Chasqui messenger 500 years ago.
To my surprise Eduardo dropped off early in the hills. As I was running
toward the main ruin and my meeting place with Eduardo, I noticed
tourists taking photos of me. Eduardo had been proudly telling people
that I carried the Olympic Torch in Sydney.
An idea was born as I stood above the arches of the Ingapirca Inca
Ruins. What if I brought a group of runners from around the world to
Ingapirca with the Olympic Torch? This would link the athletes of the
past with those of the present? What would the Inca Kings say? What
would the Chasqui say? I closed my eyes to meditate on these thoughts
running through my head. Then I heard 500 year old voices saying “do
it”. I came out of my meditative state to be greeted by a smiling
Eduardo suggesting it would be great for Ecuador if I brought runners to
this beautiful country.
With a head full of ideas we continued into the Sacred Valley of
Longevity – Vilcabamba. Vilcabamba along with the Hunza in Pakistan and
Georgia in The Middle-East are known around the world for the longevity
of their citizens. However Vilcabamba is the only one with church
documents to support the claims.
Vilcabamba became known to the wider world audience in 1977 when Dr
Alexander Leaf wrote an article for National Geographic. He stated that
in Vilcabamba 1080 people per 100,000 lived to 100 years, while in the
United States only 3 per 100,000 lived to the age of 100. More
importantly the people of Vilcabamba were still highly active, both
physically and sexually while continuing to work.
Since then scientists from around the world have studied the people of
Vilcabamba. They’ve found that the chemical analysis of hair follicless
and bones of centarians did not differ from that of people in their 20’s
and unlike in the western world, men outlived women. When I visited 110
year old Artimidora Gaona, he was chopping wood. Then I met Ramon
Armijos who used to be the village undertaker and made his last coffin
when he retired at 100 years. If I told you his age, you would say I was
Vilcabamba, where years are added to your life and life to your years
was like Mecca to me. Due to my interests in ‘extending athletic life’
and longevity, stimulated by Dr John Douillard of Colorado, I immersed
myself in the mists of Vilcabamba by running the streets and valleys,
drinking and swimming in the sacred waters.
What if I brought the runners from Ingapirca with the Olympic Torch to
the Sacred Valley of Longevity? Once again I closed my eyes only to hear
wise men all the way back from the Inca Kings say “do it”.
At that moment the concept of the “Chasqui Longevity Tour” was created.
On August 30 the Chasqui Tour starts with runners of any ability from
around the world invited to join me on a running holiday of a lifetime.
We will run at interesting locations along the Inca Trail, going as far
as we like or staying on the bus till the next location. Along the Capac
Nan there will be time for exploring the wonders of Ecuador and time for
sharing running stories over a bottle of wine. There will be surprises
along the way and certificates will be presented at different locations
to record various achievements.
The Olympic Torch has generated a lot of media interest in Ecuador.
Along the way locals can join us for a small fee with the proceeds going
to help indigenous runners in Ecuador and a charity associated with the
Join me after the tour as I hike into the Amazon and spend 2 days with a
shaman who specialises in health and energy. You never know it may even
improve your running. Of course, we will run in the Amazon because that
is what we enjoy.
For more info on the Chasqui Longevity Tour have a look at
Written by David Wharton. Dave is a 51 year old Australian who loves
running. He represented his country in Modern Pentathlon and in 2000 he
was chosen to run a leg of the Olympic Torch Relay.
David is pursuing his passion for running, health and longevity and
wishes to share his knowledge and passion with fellow runners who hold
this sport so close to their heart.