Organisers of next year’s prestigious Commander Centre North Queensland Sportstar Awards evening are delighted to announce that the special guest will be rugby league legend Mark Geyer.
Now in its eighteenth year, the evening will be hosted by the Hinchinbrook Shire Council on 1 March 2008, at the Shire Hall in Ingham.
The North Queensland Sports Foundation is once again pleased to be able to present the Awards, honouring the many Sportstars that have achieved in the sporting world over the last twelve months.
Mark Geyer is set to entertain the crowd with many of the interesting stories of his career in rugby league and more recently in the world of television. No doubt, the MC for the evening Trevor Roberts from WIN Television will initiate some great conversation. The evening in Ingham will unsurprisingly take on an Italian theme, and attendees will be treated to many surprises, but plenty of pasta!
There will also be a tinge of sadness at next year’s Awards, as it will be the last time that some of the Councils will be represented, due to the local government amalgamations to take effect after the elections on 15 March 2008.
The Senior winner will receive $2000 and go on to represent North Queensland at the State Awards in Brisbane later in the year. The winner of the Junior Award will receive $1000. The runners up in both the Senior and Junior categories will each receive $500. The Alan Ticehurst Memorial Award for Service to North Queensland Sport, which was initiated to honour the unsung hero, will honour the person who tends to be the back bone of their sport.
For further information: Phone Stuart Gibson (Manager) on mobile 0419 681 053 or at the Foundation office on 47242500