27 Sport Development Bursaries Awarded to future Sportstars –

thanks to BHP Billiton Cannington Mine

The North Queensland Sports Foundation is delighted to announce that the judging for the 2008 North Queensland Sport Development Bursaries has been finalised. Once again the North Queensland Sports Foundation would like to acknowledge the support of BHP Billiton Cannington Mine for the generous donation of $12,500 towards this important project.

A total of twenty seven young North Queenslanders will receive $500 each towards furthering their sporting careers. To acknowledge their achievements, they will also be given a unique embroidered tracksuit top, at presentations at various Council offices in the near future.

Now in its fifth year, the number of young athletes that have received one of the North Queensland Sport Development Bursaries is now a creditable 117.

Ruth Kaurila, Senior Adviser from Community Relations and Communications said that BHP Billiton Cannington Mine is very pleased to help young men and women from the North Queensland area who may otherwise miss out in progressing their sporting careers, due to lack of financial resources.

The North Queensland Sports Foundation is confident that each of the recipients will continue to excel in their sport, and will wear his/her tracksuit top with pride, and would like to pass on its best wishes.

The recipients of the 2008 Bursaries are listed below

For further information: Phone Stuart Gibson (Manager) at the NQ Sports Foundation office on 4724 2500 or on mobile 0419 681 053

2008 Sport Development Bursaries –

presented by the North Queensland Sports Foundation in conjunction with the BHP Cannington Mine

NameSportCity/ Shire
Ryan MottinSoccerBurdekin
Erin TooheyNetballBurdekin
Frazer EatonSurf LifesavingCairns
Lewis ShortHockeyCairns
Mac FlemingRugby LeagueCarpentaria
Zoe O’BrienSwimmingCarpentaria
Trevor SouthernWater PoloCassowary Coast
Ashleigh SouthernWater PoloCassowary Coast
Jaydon BusikoSwimmingCharters Towers
Jacob ChiversSwimmingCloncurry
Jeffrey WilsonTouch/ Rugby LeagueCloncurry
Kyle RyanHockeyEtheridge
Kate AlexanderSoftballEtheridge
Drew ChinottiRugby LeagueHinchinbrook
Nicole WaringFootball (soccer)Hinchinbrook
Adam ShieldsBMXMackay
Lucas NielsenSquashMackay
Rachel FelsPony ClubMcKinlay
Ayrton ClaphamSoccerMount Isa
Holly  JohnstoneAthleticsMount Isa
John NeedhamCricketRichmond
Amy AllenSwimmingTablelands
Alexandra CoulsonEquestrianTablelands
Kayla DoigIce Figure SkatingTownsville
Andrew TorpelundSailingTownsville
Cassie DouglasGolfWhitsunday
Sam FosterTouch/ Rugby LeagueWhitsunday

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