Home Hill the place to be for the night of nights on Saturday 20 March celebrating 20 years of the event
The North Queensland Sports Foundation is delighted that this year’s Business Technology North Queensland Sportstar Awards has reached the twentieth year milestone since the first Awards night was held in 1991, with Brad Beven the world champion triathlete winning the senior award that year. Since then the Awards has been held in venues all over North Queensland, hosted by most of the member Councils of the North Queensland Sports Foundation.
This year’s Awards are returning to the Burdekin Shire for the second time. The Burdekin Shire Council first hosted the Awards in 1997 and many people would agree that the high standard of presentation for that evening was the benchmark for future gala events for the North Queensland Sports Foundation.
Determined to continue to set the benchmark, Burdekin Mayor Lyn McLaughlin has a lot of surprises in store for the many guests who will attend the night. The theme of the evening is V8 supercars, and the legendary Dick Johnson is the special guest. Dick will be impressed with the set up in the Burdekin Memorial Hall in Home Hill, but details have been kept a very close secret. Tickets are on sale now and can be booked by phoning the Burdekin Shire Council on 47839800.
The nominations for this year’s Commander Centre North Queensland Sportstar Awards have been received and there is slight increase in the total numbers from 2009. The judging of the list of the nominees will be very difficult due to the high standards that have been set in numerous sport. In a total of three categories of Awards (senior, junior and service to North Queensland sport), the North Queensland Sports Foundation has received a total of 37 nominations (see over page for the complete list).
President of the North Queensland Sports Foundation, Cr. Margaret Cochrane, is delighted with the high standard of nominees that have been received. “It is once again very pleasing that we have received a large number of nominees and in a varied range of sporting achievements.”
The Senior winner will receive $2000 and go on to represent North Queensland at the State Awards in Brisbane later in the year. (Last year’s North Queensland winner Ashleigh Stebbeings went on to claim the state Award in Brisbane in December last year) The winner of the Junior Award will receive $1000. The runners up in both the Senior and Junior categories will each receive $500.
The Alan Ticehurst Memorial Award for Service to North Queensland Sport, which was initiated to honour the unsung hero, the person who tends to be the back bone of their sport, continues to be well supported by a large number of nominees. The winner of this category will receive a voucher worth approximately $600 from Rydges Resort on the Esplanade in Cairns.
For more information contact Stuart Gibson, Manager of the North Queensland Sports Foundation on the above numbers or on mobile 0419 681053.
Business Technology Centre North Queensland Sportstar Awards Senior Nominations Sport Shire Clayton Cook Muay Thai Cook Shire Leslie (Les) Henry Rugby League Carpentaria Shire Stewart Jackson Swimming Hinchinbrook Shire Mark Knowles Mountain Biking Tablelands Regional Emma Longmuir Gymnastics Townsville City Deni-Jay Lyons Boxing Cloncurry Shire Aaron Mathers Athletics & Rugby League Flinders Shire Wayne Mawer Waterskiing Cairns Regional Ashley Murray Campdrafting Richmond Shire Andreas Reiners Powerlifting Burdekin Shire Nick Souvlis Cricket Cassowary Coast Regional Ashleigh Stebbeings Barefoot Water Skiing Mackay Regional Ross Taylor Supermotard/Road Racing Charters Towers Regional Ben Watt Rugby League Mount Isa City Junior Nominations Haidee Birkett Cricket Charters Towers Regional Jakarra Carney Athletics Mount Isa City Hannah Casswell Tennis Burdekin Shire Trent Clemments Cricket Hinchinbrook Shire Lloyd Clode-Roberts Cross Country Running & Athletics Whitsunday Regional Rebecca Kemp Swimming Mackay Regional Kody Marriage Mauy Thai Cook Shire Stephen O’Brien Rugby League Cloncurry Shire Stephen Piatscheck Athletics Flinders Shire Tye Ryan Rugby Union Etheridge Shire Dijo Sexton Squash Tablelands Regional Ashleigh Southern Waterpolo Cassowary Coast Regional Jason Taumalolo Rugby League Townsville City Patrick Teti Hockey, Swimming, Rugby League & Basketball Carpentaria Shire Aislynn Webber BMX Cairns Regional Service to North Queensland Sport Nominations Margaret Cedar Netball Townsville City Debra Gibson Surf Life Saving, Netball, Basketball & Athletics Hinchinbrook Shire Anne Kerr Netball Burdekin Shire Heather McLaren Netball Cairns Regional Kevin Rolley Herberton Horse Sports Tablelands Regional David Scott Athletics / Soccer Mount Isa City Gillian Smerdon Fitness Carpentaria Shire Brad Smith Boxing Cloncurry Shire Karen Smith Table Tennis Mackay Regional |