After 25 years, the North Queensland Games move into a new era

Following a quarter of a century of support for the North Queensland
Games, the Suncorp Group has announced its decision to end its relationship with the iconic regional games.

The Suncorp Group has supported the North Queensland Games for 25 years. After such a long and enjoyable relationship it’s now important that the Suncorp Group provide support to other worthy causes and pass this opportunity onto another organisation to take the Games forward.

To this end, Suncorp will be further addressing a priority health issue that has national impact – skin cancer. Suncorp has supported skin cancer prevention and research since 2004 and are optimistic that our increased focus on this initiative will make a difference to reducing skin cancer incidence in Australia particularly in North Queensland where this issue is so prominent.

Suncorp will continue to work in North Queensland communities and grow its presence in the region as it’s a vitally important part of our business.

Suncorp staff will continue to volunteer and be actively involved in a number of activities that support their local communities, including the ‘Together Townsville’ City Council partnership.

Following the announcement by Suncorp, North Queensland Sports Foundation Chairperson Councillor Margaret Cochrane thanked the Suncorp Group for their significant contribution to sport and recreation in North Queensland.

“In conjunction with the 22 regional councils in the North Queensland Sports Foundation, Suncorp has been involved in providing North Queensland with its own unique sporting identity since 1984 through the Suncorp North Queensland games and over time there has been well over 100,000 participants, organisers and volunteers go through the various sports and activities in the Games. Many young North Queensland sports people have memorable achievements though the games and the Suncorp group can be extremely proud of their involvement” Councillor Cochrane said.

North Queensland Sports Foundation Manager Col Kenna also expressed his thanks to the Suncorp Group identifying that the gap left by Suncorp will be extremely hard to fill.

“While it is enormously disappointingly that they are departing the Suncorp support of the games has been an unbelievable benefit for the people of North Queensland, but it has also been a huge coup for Suncorp as it has allowed the group to have direct and hands on contact with hundreds of thousands of North Queenslanders and visitors to our region for the games for over a quarter of a century. Not many opportunities like that come along for corporations and I am sure that Suncorp management and staff have benefitted greatly from the involvement. I am looking forward to forging a strong relationship with the next naming rights supporter of the North Queensland Games and our many young athletes of the region”.

For further information: Phone Col Kenna (Manager) on 0419 681 053

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