The North Queensland Sports Foundation (NQSF) hosted the second Move It NQ workshop on Friday 23rd July 2021. The workshop was attended by 23 representatives from 12 Local Government Authorities, Queensland Sport and Recreation and project stakeholders, Northern Queensland PHN and Western Queensland PHN.
The Move It NQ workshop offers a valuable platform to provide Councils with tools and connections to support local health promotion initiatives. The recent workshop hosted five presenters around the topics of program delivery, sustainability, marketing and PR, the changing landscape of physical activity, and mental health. The following roundtable discussion expanded on the topics of marketing techniques, monitoring programs, collecting evidence of impact, the social impact of programs, and improving sustainability.
Key Messages:
- Utilising multiple marketing streams is important for overcoming challenges associated with stream availability.
- There are three underpinning values to program success:
- Accessibility – activities should address common barriers to active living.
- Sustainability – with the concept that maximum program sustainability is minimally reliant on council.
- Visibility – regular program promotion through multiple marketing streams.
- Motivations for active participation have shifted towards physical and mental health and social reasons. Marketing messages should reflect the top motivations for target audiences.
- For programs to be successful delivery methods need to be flexible and provide variation.
- Engaging marketing strategies are visual and tell a Story.
- Move It NQ programs can be recommended by health services when prescribing exercise, as an alternative marketing stream.
- Programs need to be actively monitored and reviewed as they may be amazing today and need to change tomorrow.
The Move It NQ workshop was highly rated by attendees and there has been nothing but positive feedback so far. Attendees valued the networking opportunity with not only other councils but also project funding providers and allied industry bodies. This opportunity allowed for attendees to share information and experiences with one another and learn from other health promotion programs successes and challenges. Attendees found the content of the workshop presentations and discussion extremely beneficial, educational, and relevant to their local initiatives.
The NQSF would like to thank everyone who was involved, especially our fantastic presenters, in making this workshop another success. We appreciate your continuous commitment to the health of North Queensland communities.
Together we are helping North Queensland Move It!
For more information regarding Move It NQ Workshops, please contact the NQSF Program Coordinator, Bella Hickson – E: pc@nqsports.com.au