Left to right: Townsville MP Scott Stewart, Health & Wellbeing Chief Executive Officer Robyn Littlewood, North Queensland Sports Foundation Chairperson Cr Rhonda Coghlan, Townsville Mayor Jenny Hill

At NQSF, we are extremely excited to launch our new Move It NQ Health and Wellbeing platform! There is something for everyone, packed with loads of great features to support your health!

Functions Include:

  • Pre-exercise screening details recorded to inform your program instructor of participation, and health indicator data.
  • A Streamlined calendar system for users to book into Move It NQ physical activity sessions in your area.
  • An easy-to-access wellness check-in that provides direct links to mental health support lines at the touch of a button.
  • Access to healthy, nutritious recipes that are easy, delicious and inclusive.
  • A resources page with numerous links to evidence based health resources on a range of key health topics

Head to moveitnq.com.au to learn more, or visit the Apple or Google Play App Stores to Download!

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